Monday, May 24, 2010
A Christian Guide

In a metaphorical sense though this is not too far off the mark.
Frequently using as many of the sacraments as one can - such as Sacrament of Reconciliation, Eucharist. Also praying DAILY for the bare minimum of 15 minutes - but hopefully a lot more. Penance is very important too - prayer, fasting, acts of charity, acts of mercy etc. All wrapped up in this is actually living one's daily life as one professes they believe - living a chaste and morally good life and setting an example for others. Too many marginal Christians think all one had to do is "believe" and not worry about sinning so much. This is a wrong hearted attitude. We are all called to be saints and to be holy as our heavenly father is holy. One MUST live as they profess they believe - that is a true believer.
Also one should be trying to avoid the temptations of sin - don't go to that bachelor's party at the exotic dancer club with "the boys" etc. One wants to develop a Christian habit so its reflexive and part of us - this is what helps one stay in grace and be holy.
Ask others to pray for you and pray for them too - sharing of grace is possible in this manner. Also ask for the saints intercessions since they are before God's altar 24/7 and do not need to sleep or rest like we do. The heavenly family is there for us as is the church here on earth. Pray for the souls in purgatory - each soul that is advanced is like gaining an eternal friend who will pray for you all your life.
By being holy and free from grave sin one is then predisposed to progressively receive sanctifying grace from the sacraments and actually grow their spiritual capacity. It's not just a matter of wanting to crawl into heaven to be "the least in heaven". No, no one gets to heaven on his own - he has to bring friends (by example and evangelizing). One wants to soar into heaven to be among the greatest in heave to bring God a large return for the Grace that He has invested in us - not just for the reward He will give us but for full and complete love of God. "Be all you can be" should be the motto of every Christian as opposed to "doing the minimums". The more grace one receives and the more often we advance and don't stagnate at one level of spiritual maturity the more secure one's salvation becomes by habit-of-grace in a sort of reverse concupiscence that leads eventually to theosis as one is given their heavenly crown.
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