Saturday, May 22, 2010

postheadericon Daily Offering

Reprint of an old prayer not usually found in Prayer Books

O My Jesus, I enclose myself in all the Holy Masses which are celebrated this day throughout the world, and offering them to Thee in union with the intentions of Thy Sacred Heart. I implore Thee to preserve for me from each Holy Mass, one drop of Thy Sacred Blood to atone for my sins and their punishment. Grant to me also the grace of obtaining through the merits of every Holy Sacrifice, the release of one poor soul from Purgatory, the conversion of one poor sinner, and that one soul in the agony of death may obtain mercy, and that one mortal sin which is so painful to Thy Sacred Heart may be prevented. Amen.

Let me not die without Thee my Jesus, but reposing on Thy Heart, I am willing to die whenever and in whatever manner it may please Thee. Amen.


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Roman Catholic Blogger
This Blog was created on 23rd May, 2010. This site contains Catholic Prayers, Inspirations, and Stories. For the Glory and Honour of the Most Holy Trinity, and our Blessed Lady, the Virgin Mother of Jesus.
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